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A light-skinned woman with a white smile holds dental floss close in front of her mouth

Flossing: How This Simple Habit Can Impact Your Health

Every six months, many of us go to the dentist for a cleaning. At some point, they’re likely to ask, “Have you been flossing?” Some of us do, and some don’t as often as we should, but you’ll always hear your dentist and hygienist recommend it before you leave. For many people flossing is a…

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A man leans over a couch to pose with a woman who is seated, his hands are on her shoulders

Prescriptions: Maintenance, Storage, and Disposal

At some point in our lives, we’ll end up on a prescribed medication. Whether it’s a serious health condition or simple allergies, if your doctor writes you a prescription, it’s because they believe you’ll be able to be healthier because of it. However, once you get home from your local pharmacy, it’s easy to make…

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A white-haired man with glasses in a white shirt with a silver tie

PHN Welcomes Dr. Jere Wagner

Primary Health Network (PHN), announced the addition of Jere Wagner, MD to Shamokin Community Health Center. Dr. Wagner is a leading physician in the Shamokin community. Most recently, Dr. Wagner was an emergency care physician at Geisinger-Shamokin Community Hospital and has dedicated his career to increasing access to care for patients. He is looking forward…

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A woman sits in half lotus position on a yoga mat, her face is cropped out of the photo

Meditation: A Simple Activity with Big Benefits

Meditation has been a common practice for centuries. Today, it’s a commonly recommended practice to reduce an even more common problem: stress. We all experience stress every day, and many of us simply deal with it, rather than doing something about it. However, meditation is a simple, cost-free way to reduce stress and increase positivity…

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A woman in a red and white shirt and red skirt stands smiling in an orchard

Self-Care: Benefits of Taking Care of Yourself

We all spend time thinking about how best to care for others: your parents, your children, your pets. But how often do you stop to think about taking care of yourself? It’s a lot more important than you might think, and it can affect everyone around you for better or worse. One common side-effect of…

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A woman with her eyes closed sits on a couch by a window holding a coffee cup

Waking Up Healthy

For many of us, the blaring of our alarm is the last thing we want to hear in the morning. We’ll slap our hand around in the darkness, fumbling until we manage to turn the thing off. Then, we’ll slowly pull ourselves from the warmth of our bed, reluctant to leave sleep behind. That morning…

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Light-skinned woman with dark hair sleeps peacefully under the covers in her bed

Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

We all know the feeling of looking at the clock, realizing you have to go to bed soon, and sighing as you realize you aren’t quite ready. Or maybe you’re more familiar with tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep, and you just can’t seem to get comfortable. It turns out, there are things you…

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A dark brown saucer and matching mug with a white rim sit next to a white cup of sweetener packets

Sugar: Real or Artificial?

By now, most of us are well-informed on the dangers of eating or drinking too much sugar. Sugar causes tooth decay and weight gain (especially from drinking soda), and has been linked to increased risk of heart disease. It can even lead to hyperactivity and ADHD in children. To reduce sugar intake, many people have…

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A smiling woman in a sunny park adjusts her left ear phone

Earbuds and Hearing Loss: Turn the Volume Down

Nowadays, people seem to wear their “earbuds” everywhere: at the grocery store, at work, even while driving (not a safe choice!). Children and teens may have earbuds even in more throughout the day, and there has been an increase in hearing loss in teens in the last 30 years according to the American Osteopathic Association….

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A baby in a white high chair, mouth open as an adult in the foreground feeds them from a green spoon

Homemade or Store-Bought: Which Baby Food is Best?

We all want the best for our babies, and what we’re feeding them is a huge thing to consider. There is a ton of information online regarding baby food, and one of the most common topics is: should it be homemade or store-bought? A growing number of parents prefer making their own baby food at…

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Upcoming Foundation Event

Enhancing Pediatric Healthcare: Transforming Primary Health Network’s Sharon Medical Pediatrics into an Educational Hub

Join our PHN Charitable Foundation as we unveil an innovative fundraising initiative set for this year’s Giving Tuesday on November 28, 2023. Our goal is to revamp the waiting room at Primary Health Network’s Sharon Medical Pediatrics into an educational hub, elevating the experience for our visitors. At the PHN Charitable Foundation, our commitment extends…

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