PHN News

Arugula plants in soil

PHN community garden plot offers fresh produce in Greenville

There is a famous saying in the medical field by Hippocrates, who was known as the founder of medicine: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. This quote is often used to emphasize the importance of nutrition in preventing or curing disease, and Primary Health Network provider Dr. Angela Hogue believes in the power of this quote when it comes to improving the health of her patients.

Dr. Hogue, a family medicine provider at PHN’s Greenville Community Health Center, is passionate about educating her patients on the importance of incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. To take this initiative even further, she has been working over the past several months to start a community garden in the city of Greenville. A community garden is a place where all are welcome – food that grows in the garden is available to everyone at no cost.

The benefits of a community garden are numerous – in addition to greater availability of fresh produce, it encourages residents to be active and provides social opportunities that strengthen community ties. Growing food is also a way to educate people on where their food comes from and allows them to choose local produce grown without pesticides. Dr. Hogue’s hope is that people will be inspired to try new foods and recipes using the fruits and vegetables available in the Greenville community garden.

The PHN Greenville Community Garden is located at the intersection of Ridgeway Avenue and Roy Johnson Drive. For more information, please call our Greenville Community Health Center at 724-588-5250.

*When visiting the community garden, please remember to wear a mask, maintain social distancing and keep six feet between yourself and others.

Category Health
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