Podiatry is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Podiatrists can focus on many different specialty areas, including surgery, sports medicine, biomechanics (study of musculoskeletal activity, like locomotion or exercise), geriatrics, pediatrics, orthopedics, or primary care. Treatment may be surgical, but it can also be non-invasive, like shoe inserts, orthotics (splints and braces), and preventive diabetic foot care.
Green Street Primary Care
Hoffman Memorial Medical Center
Mercer Primary Care
New Castle Primary Care
Podiatry Providers
Appointment Prep
As our patient, you are the heart of our home. Learn how to better prepare for and make the most of your appointment.
Sliding Scale
We offer a sliding fee discount to all income-eligible underinsured or uninsured patients.
Telehealth Services
Telehealth video or phone visits allow for patients to safely connect to our healthcare services from the comfort of their own home.
Accepted Insurance
Primary Health Network participates in most insurance plans including, but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP.