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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Tips to Prevent the Cold and Flu

It’s peak cold and flu season, and waking up with a runny nose or a fever is the last thing you want to happen when it’s already cold and miserable outside. Fortunately, there are several actions you can take to prevent the cold and flu:• Diet and exercise: Eating right and staying active can help…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

New Year’s Resolutions: Will You Stick with It?

Every January, gyms are flooded with new members who have resolved to lose weight in the upcoming year. But by March, those numbers have dwindled and New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten. Is there a way to stick with your resolution throughout the whole year?If you write your resolution as a positive statement, it could…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

After the Holidays: Get Back on Track

The presents are opened, the decorations are put away, the leftovers are finally gone, and you are probably exhausted! The holidays can take a toll on our bodies as we eat more, sleep less, and stress about everything from family to finances. Start your new year off right with these simple tips to get back…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

It’s not too late to vaccinate – Get your flu vaccine today!

After November when you see signs that advertise: “Get Your Flu Vaccine Here,” you might think, “Isn’t it too late for that?”As long as flu viruses are spreading, it’s not too late to get a vaccine to protect yourself and your loved ones.“Flu season typically peaks between December and February but significant activity can occur…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

The Primary Health Network Now Offering Services in Sandy Lake

Sandy Lake– The Primary Health Network (PHN), a growing federally qualified health center, is set to offer family medicine services to the Sandy Lake community. The office of Dr. Martha Moore of 3205 South Main Street, will transition from Hometown Medical Care to The Primary Health Network on December 1, 2015. The transition will have…

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A cooked turkey on a platter surrounded by vegetables. Text reads "Tips for a Stress-Free"

Tips For A Stress-Free Holiday

Season’s Greetings! It’s that time of year again, the holiday season. It seems to arrive earlier every year, and it is everywhere: on television and social media, in the stores, and at work, everyone is getting ready to have a wonderful holiday season!Perhaps there are a few fortunate people who sail through a magical holiday,…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

The Flu – Are You at High Risk for Complications?

Some people will experience the flu this season and feel better within a few weeks, considering the illness very mild. However, there are certain people who are much more likely to develop serious complications, requiring hospitalization and in rare instances resulting in death. There are also medical conditions that can be made much worse by…

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A woman leans over the shoulder of an older woman so they can look at each other face to face

All in the Family: The Importance of Family Health History

The winter holidays are quickly approaching, and many of us are looking forward to spending time with our loved ones around the dinner table and making new holiday memories. As you dig in to that piece of pumpkin pie, we encourage you to discuss your family health history with your family members. November is Family…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Halloween Health & Safety – Tips for Trick-Or-Treating

With Halloween’s Trick-Or-Treat coming up in just a few days, it is important to keep health and safety in mind. The Center for Disease Control recommends several ways to keep you and your children happy and healthy during such a fun and festive holiday!Follow these preventive tips for a safe Halloween: •If you or your…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Understanding Anxiety: Recognition & Management

Author: Diane Flick, LCSWWe all have fear. Fear is a normal emotional response to specific threats or danger. Anxiety related to fear, however, is a response to “possible” threats rather than something specific happening. Anxiety can be described as a fear that something bad may happen. People may get anxious or have anxiety about a…

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Upcoming Foundation Event

Enhancing Pediatric Healthcare: Transforming Primary Health Network’s Sharon Medical Pediatrics into an Educational Hub

Join our PHN Charitable Foundation as we unveil an innovative fundraising initiative set for this year’s Giving Tuesday on November 28, 2023. Our goal is to revamp the waiting room at Primary Health Network’s Sharon Medical Pediatrics into an educational hub, elevating the experience for our visitors. At the PHN Charitable Foundation, our commitment extends…

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