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Tips for a Safe Holiday Weekend
It’s nearly the 4th of July, and many of us are probably planning on viewing fireworks sometime this weekend. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks display put on by professionals. State law prohibits the use of consumer and display fireworks in Pennsylvania without a permit, so leave this activity…

Protect Yourself from Poisonous Plants
Do you know what poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac leaves look like? If you’ve never had a rash from these plants, consider yourself lucky – some people develop symptoms so severe it hinders their ability to work! Not only is it crucial to know what poisonous plants look like, it’s also important to…

Bicycle Safety
Life is like a bicycle, you need balance. If you lean too far to one side, you will surely fall off. Learning to ride a bike can be difficult, but so rewarding when you finally master the two wheeled machine. However, one thing is certain, no matter how far or how fast you go, you…

Camping Safety
Who doesn’t enjoy sitting out in the wilderness roasting marshmallows with family or friends? Or how about kayaking down the river, or swimming in the local lake? Summer time always offers great weather for adventuring out of the normal suburban life. Whether it be a few hours away or in your own back yard, camping…

Summer Picnic Safety
Summer is picnic and barbeque season, offering plenty of opportunities to snack on summer foods such as burgers, grilled chicken, and potato salad. As we pack foods to take to these gatherings, it’s important to protect yourself and others from foodborne illnesses during warm-weather months. Foodborne bacteria can thrive and multiply rapidly as food heats up in…

Healthy Eating, Summer Style
Summer is in full swing, and with it fresh comes summer produce! Farmer’s markets are starting soon, offering local fruits and vegetables to add in to your diet this season. Here is just a sample of what’s in season right now:• Strawberries• Blueberries• Blackberries• Raspberries• Tomatoes• Peas• Eggplant• Sweet cornMake a trip to your local…

Men’s Health – Stressed Out
An important part of everyday life is coping with stress. Deadlines at work, parenting, making time for friends, and maintaining a household can be a difficult juggling act for anyone. That is why it is important to understand the effects of stress and how to cope with it in a positive manner.What is stress? Simply…

Are You Protected?
What is one thing stopping you from enjoying the summer? The sun! While the sun is a very important part of our ecosystem, it can also be dangerous. Did you know sunburn is not caused from the light you see, but from the light you cannot see? The sun emits ultraviolet rays that are undetectable…

Men’s Health – Important at Every Age!
Preventive care is equally important for both genders, but for some reason men are more likely to put off routine checkups and delay seeing a doctor when they experience symptoms of a health problem. Many working-aged men don’t even have a regular family doctor. Most health conditions or diseases that men face can be prevented…

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease
Do you love the great outdoors? We all know there are various plants that can irritate our skin and some animal bites we would prefer to avoid, and ticks are no exception.Lyme Disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks, small insects that rest on the tips of grasses and shrubs….