PHN News

Five kids in multi-color capes stand together, information about Giving Week 2022 in the foreground

PA OH Give Week

Graphic of a multicolored leaf tree. Text that reads "PA OH gives"


Giving Week—a virtual giving event that runs from June 18th–June 24th and is hosted by the Community Foundation of Western PA and Eastern OH. The objective of this week is to help local nonprofits like PHN Charitable Foundation (PHNCF) who are working to make a difference in their communities.

In order to better serve our fellow neighbors, PHNCF has been working to positively impact the trajectory of our youths’ futures through the power of learning. This year alone, we have awarded over $30,000 in scholarships to current or college-bound students majoring in health and allied health fields. In addition to scholarships, we are investing in programs and language-rich activities for young children. This includes “Reach Out and Read”, a national non-profit that promotes integrating literacy into pediatric care, and the “Little Free Library” program, which offers an assortment of books to be accessed by the community for free.

If you feel called to give, you can make a quick donation that will help our foundation expand these community-based efforts. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of something life-changing! As an extra incentive, all gifts received during Giving Week WILL BE MATCHED on a pro-rated basis by the Community Foundation. Thank you for your consideration!

P.S. Share your support on social media by letting your loved ones know today is the day to support PHN Charitable Foundation during Giving Week!

Link to Give:

Graphic of a multicolored leaf tree. Text that reads "PA OH gives"
Category Community
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